Crowdfunding: Baseball
Take the field with us.
Widener Baseball is back! This year we will be heading down south again to the Russmatt Invitational in Davenport, Florida. This provides our student-athletes the opportunity to play quality opponents from all different regions. Your gift to Widener baseball will support our team with funding for travel, lodging, meals, tournament fees and more!
We had some great moments last season and hope to continue to build on the growth our players showed as the year went on. And you can be a part of how we get there. Go Pride!
Support this campaign
You can make your gift using our secure gift form.
Total raised so far: $25,229
Sue Andreassi
Christine Arnold
Brett Barber
Nicholas J. Barenz
Bob Barnett
Kerry M. Bauerle
Michael Bukowski
Maria Bumm
Lucas Buzby
Carol Calderbank
Daniel J. Calderbank
Myles D. Calderbank
David Clinton
Juliana Coleman
Lori Conlan
Thomas M. Connelly
Rhonda Crockett
James Crowley
John Crowley
Roxanne Curran
Janine Decembrino
Karen DeSantis
Linda Dutch
Sheila Erespe
George Fetz
Rosalie Flail
Dorish Munoz Fuentes
Michael A. Garofolo
Marcie Gomez
Patricia Hagan
Louis Hall
Richard Hallihan
Stephanie Hallihan
Paul Hertz
Joseph Hollingsworth
Caleb E. Horner
Dana N. Houy
Antonio Irizarry
Michael F. Johnson
Michael Kaplan
Michelle Kiple
Deborah Koehler
Franco A. LaBraico
Margaret Lamonica
Leslie Lewis
Ethan E. Lytle
Jason Madden
Raina Maldonado
Renee Markert
Carolyn McAllister
Gregory McKenna
Kevin McKenna
Michael McKenna
Selena Mello
Janet Molloy
Phil Nigro
Sally O’Brien
Natalie Oaks
Aidan M. O'Brien
Kathy Palmer
Kellyanne Paturzo
Victoria Pennetti
Rosanna Pollack
David Pollock
Pamela Pollock
John Rickard
Joel M. Rickards
Michelle Robinson
Eric Ryan
Laurie Sanders
Kathleen Smith
John Sollazzo
Benjamin Soowal
Michael J. Stack Jr., PC
Jack Stanczak
Rohit Tyagi
Daniel Vallance
Robert Vallance
VAY Foundation
Jean Verratti
Dominic M. Washington
Jennifer Wojciechowski
Alison Zirilli