Crowdfunding: Men's Basketball
Help them tip off the season right.
The Widener Men's Basketball team is back and ready to reclaim their conference title. Fresh off of another D3 tournament appearance, the team is preparing for a key tournament in Florida. But we need your help - our players and team depend on the support of donors to help us with travel, lodging, meals, and gear for the season. We're ready to Roar - are you?
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Total raised so far: $7,010
Patrice Arrell
Karen Barnes
Thomas Batties
Maria Blanco
Cari Guerin-Boyle
John Bruno
Danielle Casamento
Nadege Collot
Alex Corkhill
Linda Crawford
James Daulerio
Kyle Dhyne
Kevin Dicello
Michael F. Donohoe
Thermon Dooley
Jeffrey Drews
Joan M. Elliott
Cindy Facenda
Kimberly Forte
Dennis H. Fortune
Carol K. Fox
Michael Frost
Rosa R. Garcia
Sharon Garvine
Terence J. Gleeson
Michael Gotwols
Kevin J. Guerin
Regina Guerin
Robert Guerin
Stephen Guerin
Albert Gurka
James J. Hargadon
Roy D. Harmon
Christine Harter
Barbara Henderson
Edward G. Henderson
Peter Higbee
James P. Kane
Sean Kane
John Kostiuk
Charles LaBarre
Lisa Lappin
E Stinson Engineering LLC
KAJ Benefits LLC
McLaughlin Home Improvements, LLC
Bernice C. Lucas
Sean Maggitti
Cynthia Main
Constantinos F. Malitas
Cheryl A. Mason
Charles D. Mathews
Mary A. Mazur
Tracy M. Mazur
Robert McCabe
Laura McGeown
Benjamin McGonigle
Debra L. McLaughlin
Joseph McLaughlin
Kimberly L. McLaughlin
Megan Meade
Cynthia A. Meister
Norbert A. Michalak
Absalom Mitchell
Alex Mizzoni
John Mizzoni
Alicia Morales
Shahgol Mostashari
Carmen M. Mouchacca
Aldona Mullane
Charles J. Mullane
Timothy Mullane
John Przybylski
Kevin Rice
Nancy A. Rossi
Eileen P. Salmon
Dezna Schlatter
Michael Schlatter
Sharon Schlatter
Kara Seelye
Joseph Segich
Marianne Segich
Vincent E. Shervin
Eugene Skelly
Shaneece Smith
Joseph P. Stanton
Robert M. Trometter
S. Michele Tyler
Patrick Vitulli
Donna Vogel
Sabrina Welty
Natalie Wilson
Cheryl Wyatt